Forgotten Forest

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Domenico Celli Borrero

Farmers: Domenico Celli Borrero

Farm Name: Bosque Tanama 

Origin: Tanama, Adjuntas

Area Under Cultivation: 22 Cuerdas

Varietals Under Cultivation: Bourbon, Caturra, Limani, Fronton 


Domenico is a passionate Nuyorican farmer dedicated to revitalizing Puerto Rico's agriculture and improving farmers’ livelihoods. Inspired by his childhood spent between New York and Western Puerto Rico, his journey began by studying the island's political, social, and economic landscape, leading to a thesis on empowering small-scale farmers through value-added agriculture. After Hurricane Maria, he lived on a coffee farm, launching volunteer programs and pro-bono grant writing services to support local agri-preneurs. This experience solidified his perspective on Caribbean food systems, cultural identity, ecological justice, and national sovereignty’s inextricable link. As he connected with organizations and influencers, he transitioned to an active support and advocacy role. He launched a digital platform and pop-up series, demonstrating his vision for a New Agri-economy that addressed rural communities' unsatisfactory standard of living. Inspired by this vision, the Forgotten Forest project was established, to rescue Puerto Rico’s unique, low-yielding, high-quality heirloom coffee variety, Typica 401, using biodynamic methods. Today, Centro Tanama is his base camp for the movement, and home to his personal microlot estates, Bosque Tanama. Here, he showcases bioinnovative strategies for rapid organic agroforestry transformation and innovates through novel processing methods. Domenico’s first season has already yielded the highest officially scored Puerto Rican coffee in Coffee Review history.

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